Dec 22, 2011

The Eternal “You”

This is some piece of writing which I had done when I was in twelfth standard and really close to my heart. Hope you like it as well

The spirit in your heart shall ever prosper,
With the glitter in you that never fades.
The “ YOU” in you shall travel higher,
With the spectrum of your wisdom kept inspired for challenges.

The heavy tide of time shall stay back;
To follow the galloping “you”.
Your transparency shall leave it’s footprints;
To assist the flowers that are yet to bud.

The roughness of the earth shall be smoothened;
By the steepness of your attitudes.
Your indispensable presence shall grace every occasion;
And transverse the multitude of challenges into ever blossoming triumphs.

The steady motion of the world will be left behind with your graceful thoughts
For, the world is awaiting for you to react;
To act upon the world with all your might.

To leave your aura, to leave your mark behind;
As the world waits for the solution you find.
Challenging every opposition, every weather
To leave behind a “YOU” forever.

1 comment:

  1. and that makes 'you' a different and unique you and thats whats needed...

    nicely penned...

    just stopped by
